Christy Chu

Entrepreneurial, Creative, Graphic Illustrations Design, Collaborations

Two of my greatest passions in life are travel and art. I always believe every individual soul can impact and inspire one and other.

As a self-taught Chinese calligrapher influenced by my own family inherent from Hong Kong, I established Xiaozhao Calligraphy venture in 2018 aimed to share my enthusiasm of Chinese calligraphy as a tool for cultural exchange. I was invited to be the Vice-Chairman of Hong Kong (NGO) WahGor Chinese calligraphy association, responsible to manage the operations of membership and society’ events.

Having awarded the Best Inflight Salesperson (Duty-free) 2007 in Cathay Pacific Airways, I moved to be flight attendant coach from 2012 guiding the performance of junior cabin crews. I am delighted to integrate my experiences on international cultural encounters with art creations to foster new opportunities associated with the meta swift.

Currently conducting my MA Art & Cultural Enterprise graduation project in Central Saint Martins. “”The Unorthodox” project – online Chinese calligraphy workshop, is a cultural tool aimed to promote cultural exchange and societal cohesion is currently being examined and researched. This project findings will enlighten the empowerment of emerging Chinese calligraphers leverage information technologies.

I have granted the bachelor’s degree of Social Sciences (Hons) in Lingnan University, Hong Kong (2001) awarded with the scholarship of London Chamber of Commerce. My calling to pursue artistic academic advancement since the professional diploma in Bridal Makeup & Image Styling since 2009 in HK Open University and followed by a certificate in Art & Design from HKU SPACE (2016). 


“The Unorthodox Project:

Strategic Investigation of online Chinese calligraphy workshop with a lens on emerging Hong Kong Chinese calligraphers

Background: The UNECSCO (2009) intangible heritage Chinese calligraphy as a local delicacy culture attribute is being endangered in a way that the local government not taking it seriously enough to incorporate into a regulated art compulsory foundation knowledge in the formal curriculum. Exploitation to emerging Chinese calligraphers are especially prominent while either they are fighting for piece-meal paid or a recognition within traditional norms. How to balance between making a living and creating with dignity?

Aim: This is an empirical cross-disciplinary investigation of startup entrepreneur –Xiaozhao’s “storydoing” – struggling under the art ecology but dedicate to investigate the integration of Chinese calligraphy (UNESCSO 2009) “sharing” online leverage the technological dissemination envisaged to impact on societal inclusiveness and harmonious cohesion building by sharing the philosophical values beyond brush strokes under post-capitalism.

Objective: This project attempted to investigate and analyze the practical contextual design direction of online Chinese calligraphy workshop. Data collected are integrated for market segmentation divisions and potential audiences needs are strategically questioned in terms of demographic, emotional and psycho-graphic profiles.

Hypothesis: Dao, Zen and Confucius values of Chinese calligraphy spiritual representations are synergy to contribute to social cohesion and societal inclusions .